Training Practice

We have been a training practice for many years, though the current trainer, Dr Davis has a healthy scepticism for the increasingly proscriptive registrar training program and is more interested in teaching than ticking boxes provided by various agencies. He has, to date, never asked a registrar to look at their navel. Despite this, many of our former registrars have turned into fine upstanding citizens of the medical world. Most also hold down jobs - some of these are even as doctors!

We have all the usual facilities that a modern general practice provides. We don’t work a personal list system; patients are free to choose whoever is available.

We are a typical leafy suburban practice on the edge of the town, and our practice team try hard to help registrars find their way round the systems. We share the tutorials between the doctors, in an attempt to hide the gaping holes in our knowledge. Our surgeries are not so busy that they do not have time to look things up during surgery hours.

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